Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best. Hoodie. Ever.

Back in July, I decided to take a trip to Australia. Sydney and Brisbane to be precise. One of the items on my To Do list was to visit Australia on my birthday and have at least one birthday in a warm climate. Being born in December and in Canada often results in snow every year on one’s birthday. I was determined to have at least one birthday in a temperature higher than 0 degrees.

A trip needs money though so I spent the months leading up to Oz saving every cent for the trip, which meant no weekly trips to Galaxy Comics (my shop of choice) from July to December.

I saw Kings Comics on my first day wanderings in Sydney. I went in to look around.

It’s reassuring to know that comic book stores the world over are pretty much the same: folk loitering while trying not to look like they’re reading the comics, incredibly overpriced nerd memorabilia, and the lone girl on staff.

It took all my strength to restrain myself from spending my spare Aussie cash on stuff I could get in Canada. Iron was my resolve. And then I saw a Green Lantern hoodie that I was absolutely certain I couldn’t get in Canada (even though the lone girl at Galaxy Comics owns one). I was also pretty certain I couldn’t get this awesome poster of the cover of Blackest Night 2 back home.

Ok, my resolve was not so iron but somehow I got out of that store without breaking out small, colorful see-through bills or a credit card.

Being a comic book geek is expensive. Especially when you’re as big a nerd as I and have actually asked about getting a replica Green Lantern power battery.

It would go nice with my replica Sting sword from Lord of the Rings.

Some girls spend their money on shoes. Others spend it on comics and useless nerd props that could be used in the event of a break in (my sword IS hanging in my room for just such an emergency).

I think the only thing that out-expenses my comic book habit is my see-u2-in-concert-as-much-times-as-possible habit. But we’ll get to that in a later post.

2 weeks in Oz whizzed by way too fast and there I was on my last full day in Sydney. I had been a good girl and hadn’t spent an obscene amount of money on U2 merch at the shows I attended the week before (unlike my first U2 show were I spent nearly 150 dollars….whoops). I had already bought my Christmas gifts for family and hadn’t yet bought myself a birthday present. Back in Kings Comics, I was trying on the Lantern hoodie and making up all sorts of reasons why I should buy it.

“The planes home are cold”.

“Green looks nice on me”.

“The hoodie will be a nice starter piece until I get a REAL Lantern ring”.

Seeing as how I was returning to a minus 30 Celsius environment, I bought the hoodie. And the poster once I figured out I could fit it in my luggage.

Nothing says “Australia” like a thick hoodie.

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